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Sarasota Upper Cervical

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Hall Upper Cervical Chiropractic PC.

Welcome to Dr.DrewHall where we discuss health topics, not DISEASE topics. You see, our so-called Health Care system really isn't a Heath Care system - it is a disease-care system. We wait until people have diseases and then we treat the effects of them. How can you get a sick person well when you "treat" the symptom or the effect of body dysfunction?.

The topic of health can cover a wide spectrum of ideas and issues, and since I am an Upper Cervical Chiropractor my bent on health will be from this perspective. Health is a natural state of being and is the result of a multitude of daily activities on the part of the individual. At the top of that list should be the nerve system. But few Americans know anything about their nerve system, let alone, Upper Cervical Care. So, let me explain.

Your nerve system is composed of the brain, the spinal cord, cranial nerves, and associated spinal nerves. The nerve system is the superhighway upon which information travels between the brain and the body. These messages tell each and every cell in your body what to do and when to do it. Every second, billions of chemical reactions are controlled and monitored in the body through the nerve system. Did you ever think about what would happen to this communication system if you had a car accident? What about a head injury from sports? Fistfight? Bike accident? Anyone of these traumas and more can result in the displacement of the top bone in the neck, called the ATLAS, resulting in interference to the normal transmission of information from the brain to the body.

Most people in the public are aware of the necessity of nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, and relaxation. But almost no one understands the critical importance of the junction between the head and the ATLAS. Every signal that travels out of the bottom of your head through this highway - the spinal cord - could be affected by an ATLAS misalignment.

Here, we will discuss the philosophy, science, and art of how these misalignments affect one's health. Why I am writing this blog? This blog is being composed as a result of my own experience with Upper Cervical Care.

Eighteen years ago, I was dropped my head while wrestling with a friend. At the time, I thought it was just another bump in the road. I was an active male who did traumatic things! I thought that incident was like all the others. So I stood up afterward and moved on. Six months later, I found myself with chronic headaches, insomnia, nausea, dizziness, TMJ, fatigue, cognitive fog, depression, anxiety, and more.

For two years of my life, I dragged myself from school to sports practices, and more. It eventually got to a point where bullying through life was not working. I told my parents what was transpiring. Over a period of three months, we went from doctor to doctor. All of my tests were negative and I was eventually told that it was all in my head. Does this sound familiar? To make a long story short, they were close. It was about 1/4 inch below my head. All of this dysfunction and symptomology was the result of a MISALIGNED ATLAS!

I eventually found an Upper Cervical Doctor who corrected my atlas. This procedure transformed my life. The end result is I am healthy and now practicing the procedure that changed my life. This blog is for those that are in the throes of this nightmare. Do not stop looking for an answer. It is not all in your head and may very well just be 1/4 inch below it!!

Everyone in our Sarasota office has had his or her life dramatically improved by upper cervical care. We not only teach what we practice, but we also live it. We all get checked and adjusted on a regular basis so we can be at our best when providing upper cervical care to our patients in the different Areas We Serve.

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We offer way more...

About Us
About Us

The brain controls all messages to every cell in the body, including messages of health and healing.[...]

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Dr. Drew Recovery
Dr. Drew Recovery

The focus of Upper Cervical Care is the correct alignment of the top two vertebrae in the spine: the atlas and the axis. [...]

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What to expect
What to expect

An adjustment is the physical correction of a misaligned joint. When a vertebra is misaligned, [...]

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Why need UCC
Why need UCC

Correcting the upper neck is our specialty. However, it is extremely rare that anyone needs just one [...]

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There is no simple answer to this question. However, there are three guidelines or Rules of Healing that [...]

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What we Do?
What we Do?

After graduating from general chiropractic college, Upper Cervical doctors continue post-graduate training in upper cervical care [...]

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Meet Our Team

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Drew Hall

Drew Hall

Chiropractic Doctor

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Beth O'Rourke

Beth O'Rourke

Chiropractic Doctor

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Our doctors at Sarasota Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Before starting the third practice in Sarasota, Dr. Drew Hall started his career as a Los Angeles Based chiropractor.  He been practicing the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique for 20 years. He personally had chronic health problems for 3 years following a head and neck injury. In the following video, Dr. Hall explains the basic biomechanics that helps explain why the upper cervical spine is important and how it can affect a wide range of health problems.

Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a specialized chiropractic technique that focuses all its attention on the upper neck and how it impacts the brainstem and central nerve system. The Blair technique is precise, gentle, and does not use any pulling, popping, or twisting of the neck.
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Google reviews

What patients think about us...

Gail Ruiz

Gail Ruiz

I’m in my late 40’s and have been dealing with TMJ, ear fullness, neck, shoulder, and hip pain for the last 20 years. I’ve always suspected that something happened ...
2024.12.07 — 2 months ago
selene connors

selene connors

Ive been suffering with Vertigo on & off since having a wisdom tooth back in 2012. The past year its gotten worse, the room spinning, walking like im drunk lol, not being ...
2024.11.30 — 3 months ago
Kristin Siegel

Kristin Siegel

Dr. Hall has helped me so much. I went in to see him after suffering from dizziness due to long haul covid for about 5 months. I went in to see ...
2024.11.30 — 3 months ago
dennis franks

dennis franks

Having worked in Hospitals for over 35 years as an Administrator, I was very skeptical of Chiropractors and the services they provided. Boy, was I wrong. After meeting Dr. Hall and ...
2024.09.05 — 5 months ago
Joselyn P

Joselyn P

Dr. Hall is a miracle worker and has completely changed my life. I was getting Vertigo spells every two days that were lasting 4-6 hours long for almost 4 months. I ...
2022.08.11 — 2 years ago