
Sarasota Cervical Superior

Todoslos pacientes existentes pueden programar una nueva cita o cambiar una cita existente directamente desde sus portales de pacientes sin la necesidad de volver a ingresar su información. Para cada nuevo paciente, por favor asegúrese de llenar todos los campos correctamente para que el sistema programe una cita.

Sino tienes un segundo nombre, deja el campo en blanco. Después de enviar el formulario, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación en la dirección de correo electrónico que proporcionó. A continuación, podrá acceder a su portal de pacientes.

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Lo que piensan los pacientes de nosotros...

Gail Ruiz

Gail Ruiz

I’m in my late 40’s and have been dealing with TMJ, ear fullness, neck, shoulder, and hip pain for the last 20 years. I’ve always suspected that something happened ...
2024.12.07 — 3 weeks ago
selene connors

selene connors

Ive been suffering with Vertigo on & off since having a wisdom tooth back in 2012. The past year its gotten worse, the room spinning, walking like im drunk lol, not being ...
2024.11.30 — a month ago
Kristin Siegel

Kristin Siegel

Dr. Hall has helped me so much. I went in to see him after suffering from dizziness due to long haul covid for about 5 months. I went in to see ...
2024.11.30 — a month ago
dennis franks

dennis franks

Having worked in Hospitals for over 35 years as an Administrator, I was very skeptical of Chiropractors and the services they provided. Boy, was I wrong. After meeting Dr. Hall and ...
2024.09.05 — 3 months ago
Sean Bertram

Sean Bertram

Discovering Dr. Drew Hall at Sarasota Upper Cervical has been life-changing for me. For over 7 years, I struggled with balance issues that no other specialists could solve. Dr. Hall gave ...
2024.07.19 — 5 months ago