Brachioradial Pruritus treatment Sarasota and Tampa bay
Brachialradial pruritus is an annoying and sometimes life altering condition where the upper arm and most commonly the forearm itches without an external reason causing it. Pruritus is caused by a sensory nervous system imbalance that makes the person itch for no apparent reason. Often these cases wake up from a long nights sleep to find their arm bleeding from the unconscious scratching of the arm. It’s a nasty condition that is horribly uncomfortable but there is hope! After 21 years practicing the Blair upper cervical technique we have seen around 7 cases. The great majority of these pruritus cases either markedly improve or completely resolve. In this article we will discuss a little known procedure called upper cervical care that often yields results where all other health disciplines have failed.
How can an upper cervical spine injury cause brachioradial pruritus?
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The central nervous system controls and coordinates all body function. The sensory nervous systems job is to relay touch, heat, pressure, and temperature from different parts of the body to the brain to navigate the external environment. When it’s working properly it gives appropriate feedback from the environment. In the case of brachioradial pruritus the information being sent to the brain from the sensory nervous system is malfunctioning. The brain senses that the skin itches when there is no reason for it to be occurring. Much like a person who has an amputated limb , and feels pain in the arm that is no longer there, called phantom pain, pruritus is similar. The person is itching but there is no obvious reason that is producing the itch. The constant itching isn’t because of an irritant but rather is the result of a sensory nerve pathway that is giving bad feedback to the brain eliciting a nagging itching feeling in the arm.
What can cause the denote nervous system to give bad sensory input?
The central nervous system controls all body functions. When it is in proper working order the body functions seamlessly and health exists. When there is a block or interference to the central nervous system decreased function occurs and this can lead to a host of different symptoms and conditions including pruritus. How can the nervous system be irritated leading to pruritus? TRAUMA! Blunt type trauma such as car accidents, sports injuries, falls and other trauma can cause structural damage to the cervical spine and elsewhere. Injury that produces a whiplash type force can misalign the joints in the neck resulting in soft tissue injury, which leads to loss of joint motion, changes in posture, and ultimately interferes with the ability of the central nervous system to work optimally. In the case of pruritus, the abnormal sensory input to the brain can be disrupted by neck misalignment. In our offices we have seen numerous brachioradial pruritus cases respond wonderfully to precision upper cervical correction.
What Exactly Does an Upper Cervical Doctor Do?
Blair Upper Cervical doctors are specially trained to locate spinal misalignments in the upper cervical spine and correct them. Spinal misalignments are located by running a battery of neurological tests that locate the spinal segments that have been injured and misaligned by a prior neck injury.
Once located, precision imaging in the form of digital x-ray or cone-beam computed tomography (cbct) is used to precisely determine which joint has misaligned and the angulation of the misaligned joint. Each person’s anatomy is different and therefore imaging is used to uncover the blueprint to be used to correct each patient’s individual misalignment pattern.
Once this information is gleaned, a gentle, light correction is made without twisting, popping, or pulling. The patient is then monitored overtime to ensure that the correction is holding. If the testing indicates the need for another correction, then it is performed.
However, the goal of Blair Upper Cervical Care is for the patient to stay in “adjustment”. It isn’t the correction that produces healing. It is the removal of nerve irritation and the adjustment “holding” in its normal position that allows the body to function better and proceed through a healing process.
This is how Blair Chiropractic care can often help remove the underlying cause of many who suffer from brachial pruritus, chronic sinusitis, occipital neuralgia, tinnitus, vertigo, Meniere’s disease, neck pain, migraine headaches, and other chronic health problems by supporting the body in healing itself.
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